Island AI

API Reference


class SchemaStream<T extends ZodObject<any>> {
    schema: T,
    options?: {
      defaultData?: NestedObject;
      typeDefaults?: {
        string?: string | null | undefined;
        number?: number | null | undefined;
        boolean?: boolean | null | undefined;
      onKeyComplete?: (info: {
        activePath: (string | number | undefined)[];
        completedPaths: (string | number | undefined)[][];
      }) => void;
  // Create a stub instance of the schema with defaults
  getSchemaStub<T extends ZodRawShape>(
    schema: SchemaType<T>, 
    defaultData?: NestedObject
  ): z.infer<typeof schema>;
  // Parse streaming JSON data
  parse(options?: {
    stringBufferSize?: number;
    handleUnescapedNewLines?: boolean;
  }): TransformStream;

Constructor Options

  • schema: Zod schema defining the structure of your data
  • options:
    • defaultData: Initial values for schema properties
    • typeDefaults: Default values for primitive types
    • onKeyComplete: Callback for tracking parsing progress

Working with Defaults

There are two ways to provide default values in schema-stream:

1. Via Zod Schema

const schema = z.object({
  // Default via schema
  count: z.number().default(0),
  status: z.string().default('pending'),
  settings: z.object({
    enabled: z.boolean().default(true)
  tags: z.array(z.string()).default(['default'])
const parser = new SchemaStream(schema);

2. Via Constructor Options

// Global type defaults
const parser = new SchemaStream(schema, {
  typeDefaults: {
    string: "",      // Default for all strings
    number: 0,       // Default for all numbers
    boolean: false   // Default for all booleans
// Specific property defaults
const parser = new SchemaStream(schema, {
  defaultData: {
    count: 100,
    status: 'ready',
    settings: {
      enabled: true

Priority order:

  1. Explicit defaultData values
  2. Zod schema defaults
  3. Global typeDefaults
  4. null (if no other default is found)

Completion Tracking

Track the progress of parsing with path information:

const parser = new SchemaStream(schema, {
  onKeyComplete({ activePath, completedPaths }) {
    // activePath: Current path being processed
    // completedPaths: Array of all completed paths
    console.log('Currently parsing:', activePath);
    console.log('Completed paths:', completedPaths);

Parse Options

  • stringBufferSize: Size of the buffer for string values (default: 0)
  • handleUnescapedNewLines: Handle unescaped newlines in JSON (default: true)

Schema Stub Utility

Create a typed stub of your schema with defaults:

const schema = z.object({
  users: z.array(z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    age: z.number()
const parser = new SchemaStream(schema);
const stub = parser.getSchemaStub(schema, {
  users: [{ name: "default", age: 0 }]
// stub is fully typed as z.infer<typeof schema>

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