Island AI Island AI is a collection of low-level utilities and high-level tools for handling structured data streams from Large Language Models (LLMs). The packages range from basic JSON streaming parsers to complete LLM clients, giving you the flexibility to build custom solutions or use pre-built integrations.
A foundational streaming JSON parser that enables immediate data access through structured stubs.
Key Features:
Streaming JSON parser with typed outputs
Default value support
Path completion tracking
Nested object and array support
import { SchemaStream } from "schema-stream" ;
import { z } from "zod" ;
// Define complex nested schemas
const schema = z. object ({
layer1: z. object ({
layer2: z. object ({
value: z. string (),
layer3: z. object ({
layer4: z. object ({
layer5: z. string ()
someArray: z. array (z. object ({
someString: z. string (),
someNumber: z. number ()
// Get a readable stream of json (from an api or otherwise)
async function getSomeStreamOfJson (
jsonString : string
) : Promise <{ body : ReadableStream }> {
const stream = new ReadableStream ({
start ( controller ) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder ()
const jsonBytes = encoder. encode (jsonString)
for ( let i = 0 ; i < jsonBytes. length ; ) {
const chunkSize = Math. floor (Math. random () * 5 ) + 2
const chunk = jsonBytes. slice (i, i + chunkSize)
controller. enqueue (chunk)
i += chunkSize
controller. close ()
return { body: stream }
// Create parser with completion tracking
const parser = new SchemaStream (schema, {
onKeyComplete ({ completedPaths }) {
console. log ( 'Completed paths:' , completedPaths);
// Get the readabale stream to parse
const readableStream = await getSomeStreamOfJson (
`{"someString": "Hello schema-stream", "someNumber": 42000000}`
// Parse streaming data
const stream = parser. parse ();
readableStream. pipeThrough (stream);
// Get typed results
const reader = stream.readable. getReader ();
const decoder = new TextDecoder ()
let result = {}
let complete = false
while ( true ) {
const { value , done } = await reader. read ();
complete = done
if (complete) break ;
result = JSON . parse (decoder. decode (value));
// result is fully typed based on schema
Extends schema-stream with OpenAI integration and Zod-specific features.
Key Features:
OpenAI completion streaming
Multiple response modes (TOOLS, FUNCTIONS, JSON, etc.)
Schema validation during streaming
import { OAIStream } from "zod-stream" ;
import { withResponseModel } from "zod-stream" ;
import { z } from "zod" ;
// Define extraction schema
const ExtractionSchema = z. object ({
users: z. array (z. object ({
name: z. string (),
handle: z. string (),
twitter: z. string ()
})). min ( 3 ),
location: z. string (),
budget: z. number ()
// Configure OpenAI params with schema
const params = withResponseModel ({
response_model: {
schema: ExtractionSchema,
name: "Extract"
params: {
messages: [{ role: "user" , content: textBlock }],
model: "gpt-4"
mode: "TOOLS"
// Stream completions
const stream = OAIStream ({
res: await create ({
... params,
stream: true
// Process results
const client = new ZodStream ();
const extractionStream = await client. create ({
completionPromise : () => stream,
response_model: {
schema: ExtractionSchema,
name: "Extract"
for await ( const data of extractionStream) {
console. log ( 'Progressive update:' , data);
React hooks for consuming streaming JSON data with Zod schema validation.
Key Features:
Ready-to-use React hooks
Automatic schema validation
Progress tracking
Error handling
import { useJsonStream } from "stream-hooks" ;
function DataViewer () {
const { loading , startStream , data , error } = useJsonStream ({
schema: ExtractionSchema,
onReceive : ( update ) => {
console. log ( 'Progressive update:' , update);
return (
< div >
{ loading && < div > Loading ...</ div >}
{ error && < div > Error : { error . message }</ div >}
{ data && (
< pre >{ JSON . stringify ( data , null , 2)}</ pre >
< button onClick = {() => startStream ({
url : "/api/extract" ,
method : "POST" ,
body : { text : "..." }
})} >
Start Extraction
</ button >
</ div >
Structured evaluation tools for assessing LLM outputs across multiple dimensions. Built with TypeScript and integrated with OpenAI and Instructor, it enables both automated evaluation and human-in-the-loop assessment workflows.
Key Features:
🎯 Model-Graded Evaluation : Leverage LLMs to assess response quality
📊 Accuracy Measurement : Compare outputs using semantic and lexical similarity
🔍 Context Validation : Evaluate responses against source materials
⚖️ Composite Assessment : Combine multiple evaluation types with custom weights
// Combine different evaluator types
const compositeEval = createWeightedEvaluator ({
evaluators: {
entities: createContextEvaluator ({ type: "entities-recall" }),
accuracy: createAccuracyEvaluator ({
weights: {
factual: 0.9 , // High weight on exact matches
semantic: 0.1 // Low weight on similar terms
quality: createEvaluator ({
client: oai,
model: "gpt-4-turbo" ,
evaluationDescription: "Rate quality"
weights: {
entities: 0.3 ,
accuracy: 0.4 ,
quality: 0.3
// Must provide all required fields for each evaluator type
await compositeEval ({
data: [{
prompt: "Summarize the earnings call" ,
completion: "CEO Jane Smith announced 15% growth" ,
expectedCompletion: "The CEO reported strong growth" ,
groundTruth: "CEO discussed Q3 performance" ,
contexts: [
"CEO Jane Smith presented Q3 results" ,
"Company saw 15% growth in Q3 2023"
A universal LLM client that extends the OpenAI SDK to provide consistent interfaces across different providers that may not follow the OpenAI API specification.
Key Features:
OpenAI-compatible interface for non-OpenAI providers
Support for major providers:
OpenAI (direct SDK proxy)
Anthropic (Claude models)
Google (Gemini models)
Streaming support across providers
Function/tool calling compatibility
Context caching for Gemini
Structured output support
import { createLLMClient } from "llm-polyglot" ;
// Create provider-specific client
const anthropicClient = createLLMClient ({
provider: "anthropic"
// Use consistent OpenAI-style API
const completion = await create ({
model: "claude-3-opus-20240229" ,
max_tokens: 1000 ,
messages: [{ role: "user" , content: "Extract data..." }]