Island AI

Stream Hooks

React hooks for processing streaming JSON data from LLMs with progressive validation

Hooks for consuming streams in react - specifically json streams coming from LLMS - given a Zod Schema that represents the final output, you can start the stream and start to read the structured result immediately.

stream-hooks provides React hooks for consuming streams - specifically JSON streams coming from LLMs. Given a Zod Schema that represents the final output, you can start processing structured results immediately as they stream in.

Key Features

  • 🔄 React hooks for streaming LLM responses
  • 🎯 Progressive validation and partial results
  • 📝 Built-in TypeScript support
  • ⚡ Seamless integration with zod-stream
  • 🌳 Path completion tracking
  • 🔍 Error handling and loading states

Integration with zod-stream

stream-hooks was designed to work with zod-stream response modes:

import { withResponseModel } from "zod-stream";
// API Route
export async function POST(req: Request) {
  const params = withResponseModel({
    response_model: {
      name: "Analysis"
    mode: "TOOLS",
    params: {
      messages: [{ role: "user", content: "..." }],
      model: "gpt-4"
  const completion = await{
    stream: true
  return new Response(completion.body);

TypeScript Support

The hook provides full type inference:

const schema = z.object({
  result: z.string(),
  confidence: z.number()
// data is fully typed based on schema
const { data } = useJsonStream({
  onReceive: (data) => {
    // TypeScript knows the shape of data
    console.log(data.result, data.confidence);

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