Island AI

API Reference


Creates a basic evaluator for assessing AI-generated content based on custom criteria.


  • client: OpenAI instance.
  • model: OpenAI model to use (e.g., "gpt-4o").
  • evaluationDescription: Description guiding the evaluation criteria.
  • resultsType: Type of results to return ("score" or "binary").
  • messages: Additional messages to include in the OpenAI API call.


import { createEvaluator } from "evalz";
import OpenAI from "openai";
const oai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env["OPENAI_API_KEY"],
  organization: process.env["OPENAI_ORG_ID"]
const evaluator = createEvaluator({
  client: oai,
  model: "gpt-4-turbo",
  evaluationDescription: "Rate the relevance from 0 to 1."
const result = await evaluator({ data: [{ prompt: "Discuss the importance of AI.", completion: "AI is important for future technology.", expectedCompletion: "AI is important for future technology." }] });


Creates an evaluator that assesses string similarity using a hybrid approach of Levenshtein distance (factual similarity) and semantic embeddings (semantic similarity), with customizable weights.


  • model (optional): OpenAI.Embeddings.EmbeddingCreateParams["model"] - The OpenAI embedding model to use defaults to "text-embedding-3-small".

  • weights (optional): An object specifying the weights for factual and semantic similarities. Defaults to { factual: 0.5, semantic: 0.5 }.


import { createAccuracyEvaluator } from "evalz";
const evaluator = createAccuracyEvaluator({
  model: "text-embedding-3-small",
  weights: { factual: 0.4, semantic: 0.6 }
const data = [
  { completion: "Einstein was born in Germany in 1879.", expectedCompletion: "Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany." }
const result = await evaluator({ data });


Combines multiple evaluators with specified weights for a comprehensive assessment.


  • evaluators: An object mapping evaluator names to evaluator functions.

  • weights: An object mapping evaluator names to their corresponding weights.


import { createWeightedEvaluator } from "evalz";
const weightedEvaluator = createWeightedEvaluator({
  evaluators: {
    relevance: relevanceEval(),
    fluency: fluencyEval(),
    completeness: completenessEval()
  weights: {
    relevance: 0.25,
    fluency: 0.25,
    completeness: 0.5
const result = await weightedEvaluator({ data: yourResponseData });

Create Composite Weighted Evaluation

A weighted evaluator that incorporates various evaluation types: Example

import { createEvaluator, createAccuracyEvaluator, createContextEvaluator, createWeightedEvaluator }  from "evalz"
const oai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env["OPENAI_API_KEY"],
  organization: process.env["OPENAI_ORG_ID"]
const relevanceEval = () => createEvaluator({
  client: oai,
  model: "gpt-4-turbo",
  evaluationDescription: "Please rate the relevance of the response from 0 (not at all relevant) to 1 (highly relevant), considering whether the AI stayed on topic and provided a reasonable answer."
const distanceEval = () => createAccuracyEvaluator({
  weights: { factual: 0.5, semantic: 0.5 }
const semanticEval = () => createAccuracyEvaluator({
  weights: { factual: 0.0, semantic: 1.0 }
const fluencyEval = () => createEvaluator({
  client: oai,
  model: "gpt-4-turbo",
  evaluationDescription: "Please rate the completeness of the response from 0 (not at all complete) to 1 (completely answered), considering whether the AI addressed all parts of the prompt."
const completenessEval = () => createEvaluator({
  client: oai,
  model: "gpt-4-turbo",
  evaluationDescription: "Please rate the completeness of the response from 0 (not at all complete) to 1 (completely answered), considering whether the AI addressed all parts of the prompt."
const contextEntitiesRecallEval = () => createContextEvaluator({ type: "entities-recall" });
const contextPrecisionEval = () => createContextEvaluator({ type: "precision" });
const contextRecallEval = () => createContextEvaluator({ type: "recall" });
const contextRelevanceEval = () => createContextEvaluator({ type: "relevance" });
const compositeWeightedEvaluator = createWeightedEvaluator({
  evaluators: {
    relevance: relevanceEval(),
    fluency: fluencyEval(),
    completeness: completenessEval(),
    accuracy: createAccuracyEvaluator({ weights: { factual: 0.6, semantic: 0.4 } }),
    contextPrecision: contextPrecisionEval()
  weights: {
    relevance: 0.2,
    fluency: 0.2,
    completeness: 0.2,
    accuracy: 0.2,
    contextPrecision: 0.2
const data = [
    prompt: "When was the first super bowl?",
    completion: "The first super bowl was held on January 15, 1967.",
    expectedCompletion: "The first superbowl was held on January 15, 1967.",
    contexts: ["The First AFL–NFL World Championship Game was an American football game played on January 15, 1967, at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles."],
    groundTruth: "The first superbowl was held on January 15, 1967."
const result = await compositeWeightedEvaluator({ data });


Creates an evaluator that assesses context-based criteria such as relevance, precision, recall, and entities recall.


  • type: "entities-recall" | "precision" | "recall" | "relevance" - The type of context evaluation to perform.

  • model (optional): OpenAI.Embeddings.EmbeddingCreateParams["model"] - The OpenAI embedding model to use. Defaults to "text-embedding-3-small".


import { createContextEvaluator } from "evalz";
const entitiesRecallEvaluator = createContextEvaluator({ type: "entities-recall" });
const precisionEvaluator = createContextEvaluator({ type: "precision" });
const recallEvaluator = createContextEvaluator({ type: "recall" });
const relevanceEvaluator = createContextEvaluator({ type: "relevance" });
const data = [
    prompt: "When was the first super bowl?", 
    completion: "The first superbowl was held on January 15, 1967.", 
    groundTruth: "The first superbowl was held on January 15, 1967.", 
    contexts: [
      "The First AFL–NFL World Championship Game was an American football game played on January 15, 1967 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles.",
      "This first championship game is retroactively referred to as Super Bowl I."
const result1 = await entitiesRecallEvaluator({ data });
const result2 = await precisionEvaluator({ data });
const result3 = await recallEvaluator({ data });
const result4 = await relevanceEvaluator({ data });

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